An idiom or fixed expression may have no equivalent in the target language. They also include expressions which seem ill-formed because they do not follow the grammatical rules of the language. The Catcher in the Rye. J. D. Salinger used a lot of stylistic device which made the content of the novel more exiting. Holden breaks down in tears, and his sister tries to console him. The author used a lot of comparison in his work because through this stylistic devices J. D. Salinger introduce to the reader a lot of details of his characters and about his work. Every word in a language carries some concrete notion. Normally, the conflict becomes the base of the unhapppiness, but many of the Salingers characters, loneliness or isolation is the better way for seach happiness. Salinger a very controversial writer, for the subject matters that he writes. Those are the statements given to us by the Declaration of Independence. This is why he is scared to grow up. Creative solutions to translation problems; Transfer and re-wording (use of translation procedures); Assessment of the result and post-edition; One difficulty in translation stems from the fact that most words have multiple meanings. The conversation in which Mr. Antolini speaks these words takes place in Chapter 24. Stradlater spends a lot of time at the gym and in front of the mirror, working on his appearance. The Modernist period is a time of the late XIXth and XXth centuries that was marked by the work of the great writer that activated during this period. answer choices He had been expelled because he failed four of five subjects. The conclusion is that generally they have been successfully rendered and they have usually followed the ST. American characteristic of the languages ability to adapt nouns into adjectives and nouns into adverbs (usually by adding a letter), which is, unfortunately, not possible in Romanian and thus the translators had to find suitable translation adaptation methods since our languages grammatical patterns do not allow similar adaptations. In the end of researching this paper was established two interesting facts, the first is : The Catcher in the Rye can be strongly considered as one of the greatest novels of all time and Holden Caulfield distinguishes himself as one of the greatest and most diverse characters., The second is: Written translation as well as oral one presents itself a complex and manifold process. So it can be concluded that Salinger tries to explain what these three elements can do for search the true happiness. He wrote this terrific book of short stories, The Secret Goldfish, in case you never heard of him. Identical stylistic devices are used differently in languages; they perform different functions and have different value in stylistic system of their language what actually explains their necessity when transformations in translation occur. A criminal profiler may offer an explanation of a suspect's behavior (e.g. The presence of the hat, therefore, mirrors the central conflict in the book: Holden's need for isolation versus his need for companionship. Selling the typewriter also allows Holden to establish that he is "loaded" with money because of his grandmother's generosity and can afford to spend several days and nights in Manhattan. Every language worked out its own clichs and some set expressions used by speakers, nevertheless those word expressions are not phraseological units but they possess complete form, which, in comparison with the phraseological units, are never broken by adding some introductory words or substitution of some of its elements. Let us help you get a good grade on your paper. Holden wouldn't stop talking about Jane and kept calling him a moron and insulting him Where did Holden go immediately after the fight? true and false friends, calques, and other forms of interference; institutional and standardized terms, neologisms, aphorisms, etc. Allie's glove, with the green writing on it, is symbolic of isolation. a. Holden tore the composition he had written for Stradlater because he was supposed to write about a room or a house instead he had written it about his brothers left handed baseball mitt. The difficulties while translating are connected most of all with conveyance of national character of one or another work: the brighter it reflects national life the more illuminate characteristic situations the more difficult for the translator to find adequate functional figurative means. The Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary, Sixth Edition, Oxford University Press 2007; It gets great importance while making translation to add or omit some words since the structures of languages are quite different. I personally thought the red hunting hat, The Museum of Natural History, and The Ducks in the Central Park Lagoon were the most significant and came up regularly in the novel. With his other work, we can see what Holden can become or what Salinger has already experienced in the character of Sargent X in "For Esme- With Love and Squalor". The reader is intrigued by the dramatic aspect of the quarrel with Stradlater and hardly realizes that he is being cunningly conditioned to believe that Holden is capable of writing "The Catcher in the Rye," a book full of subtle observations about people and about life in general. The following problem which demands careful consideration in lexical transformations of translation is problem of word combinability. What does this reveal about Holden? The symbol of isolation lies in the hat that Holden wears while he is writing. I swear to God I don't (Chapter 9). For most of the book, he sounds like a grumpy old man who is angry at the world, but his search for the ducks represents the curiosity of youth and a joyful willingness to encounter the mysteries of the world. The museum represents the world Holden wishes he could live in, a world where everything is simple, understandable, and indefinite. with free plagiarism report. Hes trying to get across that Holden hates conflict, hes confused by Allies senseless death, and he fears interaction with other people. Holden also says in Chapter 16 I took my old hunting hat out of my pocket while I walked, and put it on. What is their relationship? Who is Phoebe? Idiom more than any other feature of language demands that the translator be not only accurate but highly sensitive to the rhetorical nuances of the language. His last published work, a novella entitled "Hapworth 16, 1924," appeared in The New Yorker on June19, 1965. From the investigated material can be concluded that in the well-known novel The Catcher in the Rye by Salinger can be single out the important features of the translation difficulties which are in a great number in this novel. In the book The Catcher in the Rye, in chapter 20, why does Holden do his "bullet in the guts" number again? $18.74/subscription + tax, Save 25% Not with poetry, and not even with prose, where the difficulty is generally assumed to be less. Romanian version imitates indeed the way teenagers speak nowadays and uses more colorful equivalents and expressions than the first version. Need urgent help with your paper? So they gave up looking.. Concerning the translation of comparison as a stylistic device, the difficulties arise only if the words of English and other languages are various in the semantic structure. Salinger used his teenage years as reference in creating Holden. The example for this wrd with its meanings could be like I left the goddam foils andstuff on the subway (J. D. Salinger: p.170 in English and Am uitat blestmatele aleade florete ?i tot echipamentul in metrou. and throughthis example ispinted out that the author used not only the main meaning of the word. March 3, 2023, SNPLUSROCKS20 Not with poetry, and not even with prose, where the difficulty is generally assumed to be less. (2019, Mar 02). of The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. For example, Louis Menand said that the early stories of Pulitzer Prize- winner Philip Roth- were affected by J. D. Salinger. Translation is an activity comprising the interpretation of the meaning of a text in one language the source- and in the other language-the target. In fact, Holdens reactions to his adventure are more significant than the adventure itself. If originally published today, the novel would probably create little publicity and garner only average book sales. Very often these grammatical changes are mixed so that they have lexical-grammatical character. Holden's deep unresolved sadness over the loss of his brother, a person he tells us was better than him,who should not have died at such as young age, indicates that he feels a sense of guilt over being alive Holden questions why he should still be here, when he brother, who was smarter and kinder than him should be dead.One of the central Rev. All stylistic devices are multi functional. The second problem consists in the identification of phraseologisms under a given entry: "to be between hammer and anvil" can be found under the words "between", or "anvil", or "hammer", or "be", but certainly if it is present under one entry it is absent in all the other entries, otherwise the dictionary would be too redundant. ?>. will help you with any book or any question. The Catcher In The Rye Essay Throughout the book, The Catcher In the Rye, the theme that I saw reoccurring in the novel was the painfulness of growing up. They are sometimes called dead metaphors. In the conclusion can be sad that the Romanian version achieved its aim; that of creating a contemporary and updated translation, especially in terms of language and language use. Whatever the difficulty in the translation process, procedures must aim at the essence of the message and faithfulness to the meaning of the source language text being transferred to the target language text. Both false friends and false cognates can cause difficulty for students learning a foreign language, particularly one that is related to their native language, because students are likely to identify the words wrongly, because of linguistic interference. 125, No. He wants life to remain frozen like the display cases in the museum. Inter-language translation means substituting verbal signs of one language by verbal signs of another language, or switching from one language code to another one. The author used a lot of stylistic devices of these kinds in order to capture readers attention to the smallest elements used by the writer for pointing out those elements that could not be used without those peculiarities of Modernists writers. 52) The red hunting hat is inseparable from the image of Holden Caufield, with good reason. In any language there exists generally accepted tradition of word combinations, which do not coincide with the corresponding tradition of word combinations in the other languages. Idioms and fixed expressions which contain culture-specific items are not necessarily untranslatable. In addition, the ducks prove that some vanishings are only temporary. In conclusion, there are countless symbols in The Catcher in the Rye. There are two cases in which an idiom can be easily misinterpreted if one is not already familiar with it: Apart from being alert to the way speakers and writers manipulate certain features of idioms and to the possible confusion which could arise from similarities in form between source and target expressions, a translator must also consider the collocational environment which surrounds any expression whose meaning is not readily accessible. By entering your email address you agree to receive emails from SparkNotes and verify that you are over the age of 13. In The Catcher in the Rye, what do Holden and Stradlater fight over? This quotation is from Holden's conversation with Spencer in Chapter 2. They form collocations with other items in the text as single units and enter into lexical sets which are different from those of their individual words. The Holy book gave him peace. When he actually gets to the museum, he decides not to go in; that would require disturbing his fragile imaginative construction by making it encounter the real world. Robert Coles reflected general critical opinion of the author when he called Salinger "an original and gifted writer, a marvelous entertainer, a man free of the slogans and clichs the rest of us fall prey to". He just got a Jaguar. 125, No. Intralinguistic transfer can also be illustrated by stylistic differentiation. The mitt reminds holden of his brother and is the only thing he can be descriptive about so it is what holden writes Stradlater's report on it. Some critics scolded the novel as being too pessimistic or obscene, too harsh for the society of the 1950's. [14] This is a shift from an epistemological aesthetic to an ontological aesthetic or, in simpler terms, a shift from a knowledge-based aesthetic to a being-based aesthetic. But the main of them, as it has been mentioned before is the difference in the structure of the English and Romanian languages. It cost him damn near four thousand bucks. What happens to Holden after his date with Sally Hayes and his meeting with Carl Luce both end badly? Recurring themes in Salinger's stories also connect to the ideas of innocence and adolescence, including the "corrupting influence of Hollywood and the world at large", the absence of connects between teenagers and "phony" adults, and the perceptive, precocious intelligence of children. In Modernism the object is; the language doesn't mean it is. of The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. I mean thats all I told D.B. Afterwards, Salinger struggled with unwanted attention, including a legal battle in the 1980s with biographer Ian Hamilton and the release in the late 1990s of memoirs written by two people close to him: Joyce Maynard, an ex-lover; and Margaret Salinger, his daughter. In other words, in ellipsis an item is replaced by nothing. There are several tests for polysemy, but one of them is zeugma: if one word seems to exhibit zeugma when applied in different contexts, it is likely that the contexts bring out different polysemes of the same word. 10 minutes with: The Importance of Stradlater's Composition in the Catcher in the Rye, Explore how the human body functions as one unit in harmony in order to life //= $post_title As it turns out, Ackley and Brossard have already seen the film, so the trio simply eats some burgers, plays a little pinball, and heads back to Pencey. J. D. Salinger and The Catcher in the Rye Background. Do you know why Holden agrees with Stradlaters demand to write for him a composition? why does holden write the composition for stradlatermasa year of service PB Nitom Blog . In conclusion can be said that a translation does not necessarily have to be better than another one, all it has to do is to achieve its goal and reach its target audience successfully. What is Holden's view of women and girls in The Catcher in the Rye? In this case, the provided solutions are not the explanation of the sense of phraseologisms that, in the compilers intentions, should serve to translate them into the other language. I'm standing on the edge of some crazy cliff. The general conclusion that can be drawn is that there cannot be a perfect translation, but there can be made efforts to try to find the best version of rendering a text from the SL into the TL. These elements, in English are: personals, demonstratives, and comparatives. Idioms is a phrase whose meaning is difficult or sometimes impossible to guess by looking at the meaning of the individual words it contains. what do numbers in parentheses mean on a bill; salina cruz mexico real estate; how do i email sanjay gupta. The translation process from one language into another is inevitable without necessary grammatical transformations (change of structure). . Instead of paying attention to the game, he would write poetry on his glove while playing the outfield. ; Young goats, their meat, or leather made from their hides. In this chapter also would be tried to present and analyze certain passages from the Romanian versions of The Catcher in order to draw attention to certain problems that may occur in translation, especially when different cultures are involved. Holden is dealing with the loss of his brother, the fact that he his still a child on his way to adulthood and some serious emotions. Some stupid guy had thrown peanut shells all over the stairs, and I damn near broke my crazy neck. The conclusion is that there have been some similarities between Salingers private life and some of the events in his works, but not enough to entitle anyone to think that his fiction is autobiographical. It was tried to achieve this aim by centering on the case study of comparing and analyzing in detail the differences and similarities, the gains and the losses that have occurred both in the English and in the Romanian versions. Holden realizes the irony that he is flunking out of Pencey, yet is still asked to do work for others. What does Holden write Stradlater's composition about why is the object he writes about important to him what eventually happens to the essay Why? The practical chapter will single out examples of translation difficulties from the sourse language English and target language Romanian. The first point that would be discussed in this thesis is Lexical peculiarities which are one of the main characteristic of the defining the main features of the text. Wed love to have you back! In much the same way arguments and explanations may be confused with each other, so too may explanations and justifications. A list of personal pronoun is provided here: In Romanian variant of the The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger is presented the tendency to omit the subject pronouns or to use their presupposed noun, because the verb carries an enclitic subject. The hat is outlandish, and it shows that Holden desires to be different from everyone around him. But it is necessary to convey some very specific details from the original socio-cultural reality in order to remind the target audience that the source text is written in another culture. Mothers are all slightly insane(Salinger 176), this shows Holdens belief that all adults are in one way or another phony. But Holden cannot think of anything to say about a house or a room, so he writes about a baseball glove that his brother Allie used to copy poems onto in green ink. He ran a tired hand through his hair.The word tired logically is linked with he, syntactically with hand. Once the idiom has been recognized and understood, the task is not yet finished: in the contrary, one could say that has just begun. Holden's younger brother, Allie, had died of leukemia several years before, and Allie was one of the few people about whom Holden has nothing bad to say. Holden is upset with the show more content Holden writes an essay for his friend Stradlater for school .Holden writes a composition about Allies glove and the writings on Allie's mitt . elements of grammar, which Popovic sees as being a higher category than lexical equivalence. Romanian translation used either obsolete or dialectal / regional words and expressions (or both) through out the novel and this can point out an obvious difference of language use between generations. I live in New York, and I was thinking about the lagoon in Central Park, down near Central Park South. Moreover, the characters created by Salinger used to have some obstacles to fins their own happiness; but, suddenly, it appears the religion as a solution, as a way of liberation: it supposes the end of the suffering for each character. Why wouldn't Holden be back to Pencey after Christmas vacation? on 50-99 accounts. Modernism was distinguished by an emancipator met narrative. In the book, Holden explains the symbol meaning of the museums displays. An idiom in the source language may have a very close counter part in the target language which looks similar on the surface but has a totally or partially different meaning. Because of this fact, a translation based on a one-to-one substitution of words is seldom acceptable. These differences are related to peculiar features of separate words or word groups. Ackley has awful teeth, which he never brushes, lots of pimples, and a lousy personality, according to Holden. | Stradlater's composition is supposed to be about a room in a house that can be described. The author begins the novel with the using of the stylistic devices such as comparison like touchy as hell(J. D. Salinger: 1) through this stylistic devices the author wanted to point out besides his positive point of view about all his parents but also he had some negative thoughts about his parents. Separation of meanings and senses from the context, Despairing individual behaviors in the face of an unmanageable future, Objection of the traditional thoughts and the traditional moralities. He uses the pronoun you all the time, but as we know this could be translated as tu, c-ati, va. Let us know your assignment type and we'll make sure to get you exactly the kind of answer you need. Simile is a more cautious form of metaphor. Holden is an immature boy who in trying to seem older tends to lean more towards phoniness, a quality he despises in others. The main reasons for the novels extensive banning refer to the colloquial and slang language used by Holden Caulfield and to the books sexual content. In The Catcher in the Rye, how does Holden describe his mother? Ever since its publication in 1951, J.D. Peculiar use of set expressions (clichs, proverbs. I have a feeling that you're riding for some kind of terrible, terrible fall. We can see that it were negative comments, hard criticsMany critics told that there wasnt any novel that went into the adolescence as this Salingers work. I'll bet I woke up every bastard on the whole floor. Holden, traumatized and aware of the fragility of the life by his brother Allies death, Holden is terrified by the idea of change and disappearances. At this point in the novel, Holden's sense of disadvantage and corresponding bitterness seem somewhat strange, given his circumstances: he's clearly a bright boy from a privileged New York family. ?>, Order original essay sample specially for your assignment needs,, The Catcher in The Rye: Depression Catcher, Lexical Pecularities and Translation Difficulties in the Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger., Holder In The Catcher in the Rye By J. D. Salinger, get custom And finally, it can be said that Salinger didnt assume the fame as well as other authors and hes actually out of the literary world. His former teacher is needling him about his failures at Pencey; at this point, he lectures Holden about the importance of playing by the rules. The first time period was during World War II, and the second time period was during the 1960s. Lexical peculiarities - are the techniques, methods, elements used by the author that are characteristic for the Modernist Period; Translation difficulties are the problem that appear during the process of translation from the cause that the author uses different meaning of the words and some types of translation difficulties that are specific for such process. The Romanian translation is obviously courageous in the choice of words, modem in the choice of vocabulary and linguistic register. "Anything. Free trial is available to new customers only. The ducks represented how he would feel, being happy. Belonging doesnt just happen; it involves many factors and experiences. In The Catcher in the Rye, how does Holden describe his mother? Alliefelt separate from his teammates while playing baseball. These mistakes are caused not only by difference in their semantic structure but by the difference of their usage as well which demand lexical changes. The second point that would be investigated in this work is the translation difficulties which are presented through various types that would be in details discuss in this reseach paper. . Anything descriptive. It is his catch-all for describing the superficiality, hypocrisy, pretension, and shallowness that he encounters in the world around him. Through the use of lucky symbols their life is changed to what will make them happy. assignments. It is very frequent when grammatical and lexical transformations demand supplementation or omission of some words or elements. .of becoming dangerously convoluted and static, Lodge implicitly challenges critics to revisit and reassess Salingers body of work. Works Cited Salinger, J. D. The Catcher in the Rye. Nevertheless the translators have tried to compensate this loss through distinctive methods. The conversation succinctly illuminates key aspects of Holden's character. The Catcher in the Rye is a work written by J. D. Salinger that from different points of view combine some types of translation difficulties. Why does Ackley annoy Holden? When he calls him a moron, Stradlater warns him to be quiet, but he only . . From these two parts in different languages could be resulted that were used different types of translation difficulties in order to give the smallest basic elements that couldnt be seen without analyzing these two parts and taking into account the main element that mast be discussed translation difficulties. The only instances that create problems for the translator are the stable, recurrent lexical idioms that for their metaphorical meaning do not rely only on the readers logic at the moment of reading but also, and above all, on the value that such a metaphor has assumed in the history of the language under discussion. I need at least one quote for support. Holden has isolated himself in an attempt to be his own savior, but Mr. Antolini's image of falling presents a more accurate image of what awaits Holden on the other side of the cliff. It thus reveals the weaknesses of Holden's romantic outlook. He lets the reader know how the character feels at that time and his or her thoughts. Another detail is that the hats color, red is the same color as Allies and Phoebes hair. Finding a good equivalence is an important job which the translator should care about it. It occurs in Chapter 22, after Holden has slipped quietly back into his apartment and is speaking with Phoebe. In The Catcher in the Rye, what does Holden mean when he says, "Don't ever tell anybody anything. The main representatives of this period are Ernest Hemingway, Sherwood Anderson, F. Scott Fitzgerald and the writer whose work would be treated in this thesis is J. D. Salinger with his well-known novel The Catcher in the Rye..