why do i feel responsible for my family's happiness

You're sensitive and compassionate. Most of us have been taught that we are responsible for our loved ones feelingsthat we need to make sure they're not feeling sad or lonely. meditation Mental health is not hard . Science and Behavior Books. Youll be able to show up for them when theyre ready to show up for themselves. At least that will help YOU deal with the guilt a bit more. What I wonder is if you know of any literature I could read to support me in making the small incremental changes you mention above? You feel it's your fault when other people feel bad. You're ahead of the game, too, in wanting to learn strategies on your own at the same time. Gradually, make choices much more in harmony with your True Self. Say no to activities and people that drain your self-confidence and energy. Having a vivid imagination is such a wonderful thingexcept when it isnt. And you don't have to try a bunch of stuff at once if it makes you uncomfortable! You can create an exercise program. She needs to go to the roots of her unhappiness and change her thinking. You need to understand what you have power over and what you don't. You don't have the power to make your husband choose the right attitude, behavior, words. Would I benefit from changing? Then make a plan and tinker with it until you can get it to work. Why cant I? Everyone else seems just fine but me.. How to Attract Love and Stop Comparing Your Relationship Status, Accepting People Where They Are So You Can Be Free, The Fun and Spiritual Way to Release Fear Fast, Be Happier by Taking On the 1 Sneaky Thing That Drains Your Happiness, Are You Over-Spiritualizing? How to tell between BPD behaviors and dementia behaviors? Let's connect. If you are worrying over a problem that actually could arise in the future, make a realistic plan and write it down. For more guidance on what it truly means to accept and forgive, check out this blog post on forgiveness. Then ask yourself: Was I really responsible for what happened? Is it really my fault that he didnt ask me out again? Can I really control her drinking? Remind yourself that you can only really control your own behavior. One of the practices is a beautiful prayer that will help you release the desire to fix someone or be responsible for their happiness. It is okay for you to make yourself and your life your first priority. How can I be feeling this way?. I am trying to 'fix' my partner in an uncomfortable way, and when he is unhappy or down, I take it all personally, as if it is a reflection on me. She seems to like it best when all of my waking hours are focused on my "to-do" list. We simply cannot be responsible for another's happiness. Find your own path. You deserve to continue building a dynamic life with your husband and friends, and to develop your career. Oh my, your situation sounds a lot like mine. What we need are patient, loving witnesses. Consider the glass of water you drink first thing in the morning. Self-talk like this makes you think you have to be perfect instead of the fallible human being that you arethat we all are. Examples: Why do you always say the wrong thing? Why cant you lose weight? Whats wrong with you?, No, its not your worst enemy saying that; its your own critical inner voice. But as you change yourself and its hard in the beginning. Maybe you'll find that you enjoy being in this relationship when you can be true to yourself, or maybe you'll discover that you want to live on your own again. Your family members are lucky to have you. I include some resources around addiction recovery in this postand at the bottom of this post. Relating to the pain you've caused someone or breaking your moral code are two of the core reasons you may experience guilt. As a result I've always been a little extra "sensitive" to people's moods, and behaviors. She'll call me on a Sunday very angry, saying she's been sitting around all day. I feel all their problems are because of me and I am worthless and cannot ever do anything to repay for what they are doing for me. Two elements threaten harmonious relations with parents and adult siblings, in-laws and adult children: lack of time and an abundance of emotional memories. When someone is selfish, they care about themselves and don't have regard for others (this borders on narcissism, but narcissism involves other traits as well). Happiness comes from within, people in miserable circumstances can be happy. :), My anxiety triggered from a bully in authority I don't remember a lot of what he said but I remember saying over and over again to stop mind-messing me and you don't know who I am hours of this went on I have never been the same so much of the past which was locked tightly away the flood gates were open and I don't know how to close the gates I try for help but I'm so mixed up no one seems to know how to help me I am giving up and letting myself fall through the cracks of the system I'm too tired the battle within my brain wins this time. At that instant, they both experienced a novel moment of a differentiated relationshiphe shared his honest pain, in the shape of avoidance, and she was able to "let it land," because he didnt try to censor himself to protect her. You feel its your fault when other people feel bad. If you are cold, put on a sweater. You may feel responsible for other people's happiness and/or health. But I will be made to feel badly until the day she passes away, that's just the way it goes.it's what she WANTS. These bad habits may seem like they relieve stressand they may indeed relieve stress in the short runbut they are false friends. You're chosen a solid resource when it comes to CBT and working with a therapist can do wonders. Rich people in idillic enviable lives can be depressed, as proven by the not too unusual celebrity overdose or suicide. Or look at a situation that caused you to worry or feel anxious for another person. Speaking up for ourselves is not only hard to do, but it tends to bring up a ton of emotional baggage from our past. Such a process helps couples cut the symbiotic umbilical cord between them and dare to share their pain honestly, with no avoidance or censorship, and even without the need to solve or protect their spouse. When talking, try sharing your pain, criticism, frustration, or even anger at your partner slowly, in small chunks, pausing to let it be absorbed and digested by your partner. Remind them just to listen and let it land in their body. by Anonymous (not verified). What would I do if she died? The way he reacted to me yesterday must mean that he doesnt really love me, despite what he says. If my boss fires me, Ill never be able to find another job and will end my life in dire poverty.. sidebar Shell38314, Awesome advice, and thank you so much! Dad had 3 back-to-back car accidents and could no longer drive; mom, of course, refused to do the driving, why should she, after all? Remember to breathe and to stay open and loving toward your partner. Dad was a wonderful man, and I was happy to help. Try to think about the situation objectively - divide the circle into a 'responsibility' pie chart, apportioning responsibility for the situation between you, other people and external . Do you really believe youre in charge and that your worry can change anything? She is playing the guilt card, but you don't have to pick it up. You feel you're responsible for your parents' marital conflicts. 4 Ways to Handle It, https://www.healthyplace.com/other-info/mental-illness-overview/how-to-find-mental-health, https://www.healthyplace.com/other-info/resources/mental-health-hotline-numbers-and-refer, Mind-Reading and Projecting in Social Anxiety, 12 Lies Anxiety Tells You That Keep You Anxious and Fearful, How to Stop Worrying About Mistakes and Reduce Anxiety, HONcode standard for My 21-Day Meditation Challenge can help you feel calm, connected and more in touch with your inner voice of wisdom. He pointed out that I shut off the TV when he comes in, (he hates TV, I love it) I don't change the music I'm listening to when he comes in and I won't even use the shelves he's cleared off as storage for me, instead I pay a storage facility. So don't rob your partner of a chance to grow! Reflect on this profound idea often, until it becomes a part of your being. You just might eliminate this cause of anxiety and create inner peace. Get out and spend time with friends and create your own positive environment which will also work to lessen the effects you feel from your mom's criticisms. You could try small experiments. Skip to the front of the line by calling (888) 848-5724. I'm just sitting here!!" Her (and my dad's) misery is always running in the back of my mind. I know one who takes her to appts but doesn't enjoy it. I will go and borrow the book from my library today, that sounds great. You feel like youre going to have a nervous breakdown when you hear about turbulent world events. Welcome to my island of sanity and serenity. Others arent always happy because thats just the way life is. It might even feel selfish NOT to intervene and take care of things. They will die if you leavelife isn't worth living. PostedAugust 22, 2019 You do . As Lori Gordon writes, you might be a factor in their life that influences their experience, but you cannot take responsibility for their emotional happiness. 13 Small Decisions That Will Ease Anxiety. When youre experiencing beautiful shifts and miracles, you often want to help others. Yes, I still feel responsible for my ex's happiness. If only I had her looks! If only I had his personality! Social comparison is an unending source of misery for most of us, because there will always be someone who is more beautiful, funnier, wiser, or richer. Children who. Misery-Maker 10: Thinking that you have to do it all yourself. So, I had to move them out here to Colorado to an independent senior apartment complex about 6 miles from my home. Just let them meet themselves. Thank you for a great article. Emotional validation is distinguished from emotional invalidation when a person's emotional experiences are rejected, ignored, or judged. The 2 Most Psychologically Incisive Films of 2022, The Surprising Role of Empathy in Traumatic Bonding, Two Questions to Help You Spot a Clingy Partner-to-Be. This process can lead you to a more aware partnership, which is less reactive and symbiotic and more authentic and differentiated. It can sometimes be easier to start with behaviors/actions. He immediately said 8. Assael trains and lectures internationally about therapy, relationships and improvisation. Psychology and the Mystery of the "Poisoned" Schoolgirls. Everyone has their own guidance system, whatever it is they believe in whether thats intuition, angels, spirit guides, the Universe or God. Get personalized guidance from a dedicated local advisor. I'm living with a man right now, and I'm driving him crazy, because he says I don't "live" in the house with him. Another ingredient is patience, because the process takes time! Remind yourself and them that you are doing this in order to deepen the relationship. You need to work on setting boundaries and when she starts that crap, leave the room and quit taking it. Misery-Maker 2: Judging yourself in a harsh way. My mom will call me and say "Are you out with your FRIENDS? My husband is very social and we have a big group of friends. (I've done this, too.) How to Overcome Extreme Challenges and Uncover Deep Resilience with Ed Mylett, How to Meditate with a Mantra: A Simple Technique You Can Use Anywhere, How to Meditate: The Easiest Meditation for Beginners, True Abundance: 3 Steps for Attracting the Abundance You Want, How to Be Happier at Work: 3 Tips to Make Your Day Better Now, Focus on the Good Stuff When You Collaborate with Other People on Projects, 5 Tips to Quit Sugar the Spirit Junkie Way, My #1 Exercise Secret: Move in Some Way Every Day, How to Trust in the Healing Path When Youre Recovering from Addiction or Trauma. 5. Read On! Their pain is their pain, and your pain is your pain. Eventually, they turn on you and make your life miserable, even cut it short. The 2 Most Psychologically Incisive Films of 2022, The Surprising Role of Empathy in Traumatic Bonding, How a Stronger Body Can Transform Your Identity, Two Questions to Help You Spot a Clingy Partner-to-Be. Pause for a moment and look back at the last week. We have lived in our town since 1975. How much time did it waste away? We need more time. And you're not responsible for his happiness or life satisfaction. Start tuning into your actions. Finally, if someone you love does come to you asking for help, there are some resources you can share. Self-acceptance is usually a positive thing, but not if you are using it as an excuse to avoid the work of necessary change. There is a book that is broader than this specific topic but has wisdom that applies to taking responsibility for others' happiness. Old Medication, New Use: Can Prazosin Curb Drinking? Well, I don't HAVE any friends! Once you cease to create your own suffering, you are more likely to live a good life, one in harmony with your deepest values and. In the last year I have had many an some very serious reasons to worry about an try to help family members. I asked him how much he really wants to hear her from 1 (not really interested) to 10 (dying to hear her laments). I can help you compare costs & services for FREE! See what you gain and what you lose from trusting in such a core belief. She knows nobody in this town after all of these years. You are not responsible for the way your partner feels. I have zero control over his responses or mental health. Not taking responsibility for someone's happiness is much different that not caring about others' feelings, thoughts, etc. Misery-Maker 5: Blaming other people and situations for things you can control or passively accepting what you could change. I should be able to handle this. By studying actual data on happiness, I found out that these are the biggest factors responsible for my happiness: Love Exercising Relaxing Career Friends Family Sleep Hobbies Traveling Health This article will show you exactly why and how I've determined these factors as the biggest influence on my happiness. My life is more than busy and full. Curious? From a selfish perspective, it's awfully difficult to remain happy when those around us are not. Stop beating yourself up for everything that goes wrong. AgingCare.com does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment; or legal, or financial or any other professional services advice. I was finally able to BREATHE. Because you wrote MY story! Tweet: Theres a difference between loving and supporting someone and trying to fix their problems. If not, see #10 below. People to stand in helpless vigil to our pain.Glennon Doyle. I am an only child. Group therapy is great for this. With time, such a process will slowly rewire your brain and help you internalize that you cannot prevent your partner from feeling pain. I think this might be stemming from the fact that when I was growing up my father always took the role of being the mediator. This self-talk keeps you from getting the emotional support that you need. Sometimes, it may not feel this way because you often act out of habit and long-standingmental and emotional patterns. We need more space than other people. Again, just notice thoughts to become more attuned to them. There is a lot of suffering in life. We can't be responsible for our elderly parent's happiness. Heal trauma, unlearn fear and remember love. :). And, in fact, trying to take on the responsibility of another persons happiness can hurt them in the long run and deprive them of miracles. Responsibility pie chart. I had to change. 10/10/2016 16:38. Sometimes it's easier to blame yourself for a problem than to accept that the situation was never within your control. If they start getting reactive, defensive, or aggressive, take a breath and/or break. We have to be conscious of the fact that its not our responsibility to change, or heal, or help, or resurrect anyone from their own issues and feelings. I always have a dark cloud looming over my shoulder :( When I was a teenager I suffered from depression. When you don't let yourself become anxious and stressed trying to make sure that everyone is happy but are still kind, you are caring about yourself and about others. consistent on your spiritual path. But its not helpful, kind or loving to try to impose change on anyone. Lynn Beisner writes about family, social justice issues, and the craziness of daily life. However the converse is important. trustworthy health. Or books on this topic specifically? How do you deal with a narcissistic mother? Someone had to dig the trenches for the pipes, didnt they? You feel ashamed or fearful when you make a mistake. Most of us have felt for our entire lives that our personal needs are weird and inconvenient to others. Nor do you have any control over his job frustrations. It seems like it is your husband who misunderstands. You feel mortified when something goes wrong at work, even when its a team effort. (A clue that youre doing this is neglecting your own needs and desires.) Anything that happens occurs as a result of many interlocking causes and conditions, over which you only have partial control. Once youve noticed your anxious thoughts, question them. I used to think that at some point my parents would wake up and realize what they had been doing to me. The more you repeat a new behavior, the more habitual it will become. One you can do. Are your worries completely justified? My parents are in a nursing facility. Sometimes when we accept someone for who they are, all we can do is accept them and move on from our relationship with them. Grandmother looked deep into her granddaughter's eyes, "Bear has brought you here, so you can see all of us. People may not be show up the way you want them to, but when you accept them where they are you can let go, forgive and release. How to Honor Your Feelings. You can watch the original video I recorded below, and keep reading for a breakdown of what I teach in it (plus new lessons). How to Change Your Diet So That You Have Fun and Feel Good! If someone wants to change and asks for your help, you can show up and offer support. Are they realistic? I'm a senior care specialist trained to match you with the care option that is best for you. You are defining a co-dependent relationship here 100%. Give them the chance to experience exactly what they need to experience, and dont be afraid of it. My parents followed me all around the country until my ex got a job offer in NYC..that's when they moved to FL since they couldn't afford to live back East. Try the powerful Three Good Things exercise, described here. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), an approach that focuses on our thoughts and actions, is effective in reducing the anxiety caused by responsibility for others' happiness. You are not responsible for the way your partner feels. 2. The two add up to the fear that we'll be overwhelmed by each other's needs, giving up ourselves if we give anything to these adult relatives. Having grown up in a family where it was ' my job' to keep my mother contented, I am finally calling her out on it. My parents moved down the street from me 15 years ago. When you try to fix someone else, you just get in the way of their potential to experience this miracle. This friend was going through a tough time, and when my friend left, she felt this heavy weight on her. My family is my strength in hard times. Sometimes its easier to blame yourself for a problem than to accept that the situation was never within your control. Even if they dont believe, there is a guidance that we believe in that we have to trust is protecting them and guiding them. Spirit accepts what is true, which is that we are all love. I feel this is unhealthy. I'm stuck, probably for many, many years into the future. Welcome to my island of sanity and serenity. If your plan doesnt work, see a therapist or check yourself into a program that can help you quit your self-destructive habit. Keep an open mind. Instead, find a way to hold on to yourself as your loved one is meeting their personal woes. We can say, I accept you and I honor you, but I cant be a part of this.. This is something I see come up all the time with people who are on a path of spiritual and personal growth Ive done it too. Draw a large circle on a piece of paper to represent something you feel is your responsibility and that you feel guilty about. A great time to do this is when youre feeling anxious and worried about someones mental state. She hasshared information about creating a quality life on podcasts, summits, print andonline interviews and articles, and at speaking events. One is an article on how to find mental health help, and the other is a list of hotline numbers. Isthisrealyreal, she seems most content when I'm doing nothing but working and taking care of their business. It is such a common pattern of thinking, feeling, and doing, and you're right - it causes problems. I'm a senior care specialist trained to match you with the care option that is best for you. 2. It absolutely is possible to break this cycle later in life. I've personally wallowed in every one of the 10 Misery-Makers at some point in my life. May you be happy, well, and safe always. I invited him to pause, imagine he drank the truth serum, and take a chance and share what the real number is. Meanwhile, there's a bunch of things going on at the ALF that she chooses NOT to do, for one reason or another. Threatening suicide is "Emotional Blackmail." Taking responsibility for others happiness causes anxiety. There should be. You sound like a very caring person. I made a free mini course that guides you through three core practices of my bookJudgment Detox. If you want someone to understand you, speak up. We worry about others, and we blame ourselves for their unhappiness. Ask yourself: Would I like to change? Every one of us has experienced turning points in our lives. Misery-Maker 4: Blaming yourself for things you cant control. I always have a dark cloud looming over my shoulder : ( When I was a teenager I suffered from depression. The child thinks, "If I can make my parents happy, I'll be happy as well and all will be peachy." Many of life's difficulties are out of your control. When you fall prey to the belief that youre responsible for everyone and everything, youre not respecting interdependence and the fluid, ever-changing nature of our world. Find me on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Pinterest. Have her committed for a 72 hour watch. It sounds like you've been through a lot starting when you were very young and carrying that into adulthood. Old Medication, New Use: Can Prazosin Curb Drinking? I hope the book is helpful. I feel this is unhealthy. In reply to I was abused by my mother. The weight will be lifted and youll be able to show up for your loved one AND yourself. You can pray for them to have it be gentle when they hit bottom, and for them to receive very clear direction when it happens. We have a lifetime of habits built in, but that's all they are -- habits. People who are highly sensitive, caring individuals naturally want the people in their lives to be happy, to experience wellbeing. Get personalized guidance from a dedicated local advisor. As an adult, I feel responsible for my wife's happiness. Psychology Today 2023 Sussex Publishers, LLC. Your mother is clinging onto her best option, irrespective of the fact that it is crushing you. Johnson It can be hard to find moments of happiness in these uncertain times, but it can be even harder to hold onto those moments. I help deep thinking, heart-centered spirits find greater ease emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Her work can be found on Role Reboot, Alternet, and on her blog: Two Parts Smart-Ass; One Part Wisdom. Yes, you can help mom find resources, but that is it. Hi! I'm going to. https://www.healthyplace.com/other-info/mental-illness-overview/how-to-find-mental-health and https://www.healthyplace.com/other-info/resources/mental-health-hotline-numbers-and-refer. Thats not to say we shouldnt feel good when things go well. How did it arrive in your hands? sidebar spirituality, Gut Health: My Experience with SIBO, Gut Inflammation, GERD and Stress, Blogs Anyway, dad passed in 2015 and mom is still alive & living in the same ALF, going downhill faster than a bowling ball on an ice covered mountain. Could you STOP right now? You can speak up for yourself. By using this site, you agree to our privacy policy. How Psychologically Conditioned Rats Are Defusing Landmines, click here for a short video explaining about core beliefs, 7 Ticking Time Bombs That Destroy Loving Relationships, The Single Best (and Hardest) Thing to Give Up, 3 Ways to Reclaim Your Hope and Happiness. Reflect to examine if you hold a core belief that you are responsible for your partner's feelings, or that their pain is your responsibility, or that it is your responsibility to keep your partner happy at all times. Youll naturally feel greater altruism, kindness, and compassion too. This responsibility for others happiness ultimately causes anxiety. | Things can always be worse. The material of this web site is provided for informational purposes only. You may present yourself in one way when you actually feel a different way underneath. Pick one thing to start with and build from there. SHE is the queen and should be chauffeured around, yada yada. 3. Thank you@. by: E.B. Hi Maria, Happiness is an individual responsibility. Best wishes! How to Stop the Misery: Instead of comparing your situation to that of others, make your own life as good as possible. Being a responsible person helps us to: Be more honest: When we tend to tell the truth and keep our promises, the people around us will . I learned this a long time ago. I took responsibility for everyone and everything for the better part of my lifeto my own detriment. Your mom is using it to control you and make you feel guilty for the way She is and for Her situation. My family will witness the joy and Divine Heavens, which no man, were they to glimpse just a taste of what it promises, would turn their back on this pure happiness in My Father's Kingdom. 2010 - 2021 Sandra Pawula. You feel mortified when something goes wrong at work, even when it's a team effort. It's natural to want happiness for your loved ones and hate to see them suffer.